Night Sky Events Italia

Get a press pass

Who can request a press pass?

A press pass can be requested by someone who manages a facebook page or a website talking about news, tv shows and pop culture.

The press pass guarantees a reserved seat during the panel session of the Night Sky Events Italia events.

The press pass does not include any extras, but gives you the opportunity to buy some.

What do you have to do once you get a press pass?

Once you get a press pass you commit yourself to publish a post/article once a week about the convention and the link of the website of Night Sky Events Italia. Posts can contain info, photos, countdowns, news and so on.

Posts about important news (location, guests, sales…) must be guaranteed. Once the convention has taken place at least one post/article about the event must be published.

The violation of these obligations will lead to lose the press pass.

How can you get a press pass?

To request a press pass you have to send an email to [email protected] stating the name of  the page/website, the name of the owner, its link and the link of a symbolic post/article.

The choice is entirely made by the staff and is guided by the appropriateness of the page topic, visitors of the posts and way of writing them.